Brick Wall Repair 11/19/2015 - 2/23/2016

The accident
6 am view Louise had when leaving for work Driver on far left
Bricks and limbs sprayed up to 74 feet Jeep on top of wall and landscaping
Tow truck lifing it off one side at a time
I dont think this vehicle is 4 wheel drive anymore messed up landscaping
lack of Skid marks on the left. Just missed the mailbox and water meter. Amazing how many flying bricks damaged plants out of frame. glanced off the post on right.
Before Repairs After Repairs
Main light post
Additional work we had the brick mason do while he was there
Installed a security mailbox
Put a small brick wall to hold the dirt back
Replaced the chimney cap on top to fix rain leak
Rechaulked one of the Posts